Jun 1, 2020 Scotia iTRADE is the result of Scotiabank's purchase of E*TRADE Canada in 2008 that doubled the bank's online investment client base. Since 2019年9月20日 Scotia iTRADE for your Android By pressing the button above or by downloading the Scotia iTRADE mobile app published by Scotia iTRADE, Welcome to the official page of Scotia iTRADE. As one of Canada's leading online investing firms, Scotia iTRADE offers low fees and commissions, powerful tra. A bank account that does more, means you will too. Direct invest with Scotia iTRADE®. Receive 10 free trades in your first year and 5 free trades every year after Unless otherwise expressly stated by Scotia iTRADE®, webinars and other educational tools and resources ("Content") are provided by independent third Mar 20, 2017 Scotia iTRADE® today announced Canada's first sustainable investing tools for direct investors. The new tools
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Scotia iTRADE is a division of Scotia Capital Inc. * To qualify for commissions of $4.99 flat per Canadian or U.S. equities trade and $4.99 + $1.25/contract for each options trade, you must execute at least 150 commission-generating trades within a calendar quarter. Accounts with less than 150 commission-generating trades within a calendar Start Direct Investing & Online Trading Today | Scotia iTRADE® Scotia iTRADE® is a top rated online discount brokerage which offers low cost commissions on direct investing & online trading with innovative technologies for any level of investor or trader.
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2012 November